During the Bull Run of Spring, 2021, we at Red Sky Research asked our teams of Genesis Block Interns: “Why is Bitcoin valued at $58,000?” 

Be assured, we told them, this is not solely a question of technology. Look elsewhere.

This is a question of economics. This is a question with an answer deeply rooted in the history of money and seen on the balance sheet of generational fiscal policy and behavior. 

As our interns looked for this answer, they researched and modeled and assessed and along the way peered into proverbial rabbit holes of discovery for which Web3 is renowned or, better yet, infamous. If you’ve peered into the Web3 rabbit holes, you know what we are talking about.

The information and compounded noise engulfing the Web3 topics of Blockchain, Cross-chain, Crypto, DeFi, TradFi, RealFi, NFT, DEX, AMM, Digital Identity, Governance, Coins, Tokens, Unbanked, FUD, FOMO, Bull, Bear, Halvening, Hodling and Seasons is often nothing less than overwhelming, a complicated and confusing jumble.

We, too, feel the pain.

Therefore, we:

  • Leverage our decades of commercial and IT software and systems architecture and development experience as we work to make sense of Web3 for your benefit. 
  • Research, model and assess so that we understand and can master the Web3 fundamentals, not it’s hype. 
  • Design and develop so that we can bring you informational clarity in a context you understand. 
  • Search for the transitional paths and evaluate consequent opportunities which our businesses will inevitably encounter during this emergence of decentralized technology and evolution of business models.

At this time, we are pursuing opportunities to work with companies in the Web3 space.

Our current research centers on Bitcoin and the Ethereum Blockchain. We study Smart Contract development as it relates peer-to-peer and programmable NFTs. In addition, we host weekly roundtable discussions and are sponsoring a winter College Break Genesis Block Internship for high school and college students.

Oh, and about that little $58,000 question…what are your thoughts and theories about the valuation of Bitcoin? Please let us know, we’d love to hear from you and open a discussion.